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Google Ads vs. Facebook Ads: Which is best?


The main question we hear time and time again is this. 

“Are Google Ads better than Facebook Ads?”

Facebook and Google are two of the most popular advertising platforms out there. They both offer cost effective strategies that are allowing businesses to sell more than ever before. But one of them is the smarter choice and here’s why. 

Google Ads are your lemonade stand. 

And no, we’re not suggesting you begin selling cold beverages out in the street – unless you want to. 😉

What we want to show is how Google Ads quite literally are the smartest choice when it comes to marketing, as you’re putting your campaigns in front of clients who are looking for YOU.

Let’s try something. Picture this…

You’re 8 years old again, it’s a hot day and you’re selling refreshing glasses of lemonade on the sidewalk. 

But nearby there’s a large group of people working out…and down the street a group of boys are playing basketball.

These are potential clients. But instead of going out there and selling to them, you’re simply waiting for passive sales! 

Facebook marketing is a little like that. When people have a problem, they don’t scroll through Facebook for a solution. Nobody runs to Facebook when they’re searching for a new hiking boot or the nearest independent coffee shop. They type their exact needs straight into the little search bar of Google. 

So in order for your clients to find you – that’s where you need to be selling!

To be successful you want to be proactive. Don’t wait around on the sidewalks of the internet waiting for your ideal avatar to find you. Position yourself in the most lucrative portion of the world wide web. So when your target consumer is suddenly in need of a cooling refreshment…boom, you’re right there! 

Google Ads allow you to be at the heart of it. Using Google Ads the right way can ensure your business is right there at the top of your client’s search results! These clients are already looking to buy, and by promoting your business on Google Ads you are one step closer to fulfilling the needs of your clients. 

And besides, putting your eggs in one basket is never the answer. Facebook ads work, but combining it with the wonders of Google ads is the smart choice for creating a strong marketing strategy.

Tried Google Ads before and it didn’t work out?

So you’ve heard of the wonders of Google Ads and tried your hand and it. But you found that you weren’t getting the engagement or the clicks that you were expecting so changed tactics? We get it – it’s hard not to take it personally! 

Believe it or not, there isn’t some magical trick to getting ad visibility or interactions. The answer is actually pretty simple – if you want attention on your ads…you need to pay attention to your ads. The best success stories involve consistent ad management and strategy – something which is quite simply a full-time job. And with the best will in the world, sometimes there are just not enough hours a day to run a business AND put the attention that is needed to truly reap the rewards the Google Ads has to offer.

And that’s where we come in!

We can offer you a dedicated team specialising in all things Google ads. We consistently monitor your numbers and adapt our strategy so your online presence continues to grow and succeed. 

If you would like to get in touch with us to hear how we can help you restart your Google Ads journey, please fill our contact form right here on our website! 

We can take over the reins and ensure that you fully experience all that Google Ads can bring to your business. By taking part in our free 40-minute consultation, you can hear all about our services and how we can work together to build out your marketing campaigns within Google – all while ensuring your core essence is translated into the digital masterpiece!